What do Mommy and Colin do when Daddy is away? Head north! We spent about a week in Pennsylvania in March and got lots of great family time.
After getting picked up at the airport by a very excited Mimi we headed to New Freedom where Colin wasted no time getting to know Pappy again. He truly loves his Pappy and got the biggest smile on his face when he returned home from work each day.

Uncle Connor tried to enjoy some bonding time with Colin but he was not having it. Colin would not even open his mouth! Again, not to worry Uncle Connor, he wouldn't let anyone feed him but Mommy.
He had no problem with Uncle Connor taking him on a stroll though!
Auntie Tess and Katie stopped by for some quality time with a cutie. Tess wasn't so sure about Colin eating her necklace...
Nana and Grandpa came to Mimi and Pappy's house for brunch. Colin had fun opening his Easter present filled with lots of new clothes. Colin's favorite part? The bows on the top of the box!
Colin was showered with love from even more visitors. Mommy's dear friend, Christina, came by the house with her adorable boys, Luke and Eli. This is the second time we've been able to get these little guys together and we are so thankful we could make it happen.
Colin is obsessed with eating shoes (gross, I know). You can see in the photo above he's got his hand on Eli's shoe. It wasn't long till it was in his mouth. Eli was happy to let his friend have his shoe.
Luke and his beautiful Mommy!
After enjoying lots of visitors at Mimi and Pappy's house, Colin, Mommy and Aunt Jen O took a road trip for the day for a very special occasion...cousin Joergen's 1st Birthday!!
It had been a few months since they'd seen each other so they took a few minutes to get reacquainted.
Aunt Jen and Colin:
The Birthday Boy! He loves his balloons.
Speaking of balloons...the boys had quite a time with Grandpa and Aunt Jen on the floor bouncing the balloons.
Aunt Jen O with cousin Liam (always the charmer!) ready to party:
Colin looking festive with Nana and Grandpa:
Checking out GeeGee:
We may live nearly 700 miles away but we really wanted to be there to celebrate Joergen's birthday! I'm so glad we could make it. It was a great day!
Fortunately, Aunt Jen was on Spring Break, and although she probably wanted to sleep in most days, she got up early to spend time with her nephew. On our way to see the Easter Bunny we met Mimi and Pappy for lunch where Colin got to sit in the high chair for the first time. He pretty much thought he was the coolest kid...ever.
We were a little bummed because it turned out that the Easter Bunny was nowhere to be found. Maybe next year little buddy!
After a great week, Mimi joined us on our return leg for a few days in Charleston. More on that to come!