While working on the scrapbook for our blog I spent a lot of time looking over photos of Colin from the first few months of his life. I cringed every time I saw pictures like these:
Which was pretty much all of them. Colin spent a lot of time in his carseat or swing at the beginning since he seemed happiest and most content when in them. Looking back, I wish I held him more, had him sleep flat more, and made him do more tummy-time (just for you Aunt Sis) but then I remember how he was uncomfortable when held and was impossible to get to sleep without the constant movement of the stroller/car/swing. I didn't realize it then but it all had to do with his poor little neck. We often tried to move his head but he would cry and fuss till you let him put it back. We tried to use a few contraptions to whole his head straight but he just got upset. Luckily we did finally find the noggin nest which made me feel much better (remember this?)

We discussed Colin's neck at every doctor appointment, we even saw different pediatricians at the practice we go to along with a pediatrician down in Alabama when we were living there and they all said he was perfectly fine. Their suggestions were unhelpful and weren't going to make a significant difference. In October, when Colin was three months, Nana's cousin, Sister Mary Anne suggested we take him to someone who would do CranioSacral therapy. She really felt something should be done. As soon as we got back to South Carolina we made an appointment with Colin's pediatrician, who guess what? assured us yet again that he was fine and suggested the noggin nest (which I had already bought - no help!). We listened to the doctor and sort of let it go....
We should have listened to Sister Mary Anne because meanwhile Colin continued to be uncomfortable in certain positions, cried when he was on his belly, and still wouldn't lay his head on us when he was held. Jump forward to January, Colin is now six months. Tim and I go out for the evening and get a babysitter (a sixty-something grandma who was formerly an early-childhood teacher). She had never met Colin before and he was asleep when she arrived. We crossed our fingers that he would stay asleep the short time we were gone like he had for the nights before. No luck, he was up within 15 minutes. She went into his dark room, rocked and comforted him back to sleep (over an hour and a half later). When we came home she wanted to talk with us...?? We thought ok...and she proceeds to ask about Colin's birth experience. She said she didn't want to seem odd and intrusive and had contemplated even saying anything thinking we may never ask her back but she decided the child needed to come first. She explained how she could tell, even in the dark, when holding him that he just could not get comfortable. She was concerned with his neck and strongly suggested we see a chiropractor (her grandson went when he was having trouble and it helped him greatly). We really had stopped worrying about it and figured like the doctors said that it would get better. My chiropractor had done some work on Colin but nothing significant. I was never fully comfortable with her working on him and wanted to find someone who specialized in children. We were able to find someone the next day and set Colin up with an appointment.
Colin immediately warmed up to Dr. McCoy but some of the things she did in the beginning hurt and he wasn't a happy camper. We saw changes in Colin within a week of starting and it just got better from there. Colin went several times a week at first and now (5 months later) we are down to every two weeks. Colin's head is reforming nicely and he has a lot more ease in his movements. To think that his pediatrician said "Oh my nephew is eleven and a genius with a very misshaped head. It doesn't have an effect on anything." Ok so it may not effect anything in your brain but do I really want my son having a huge flat spot on his pretty little noggin for the rest of his life? No.
These days Colin look gets excited when he sees Dr. McCoy. You can actually see the look of "Ahhh that feels so good" when Dr. McCoy is readjusting him. Sure sometimes he still cries a little but for the most part it's all happy faces.
"Look at me mom! I'm a pro at being readjusted!"

I strongly believe Colin would not be moving like he is today without chiropractic care. It has made all the difference in the world. I was already a believer in chiropractic for myself but now I am for Colin and our future children as well. It's done wonders for my back, reduced my spine curvature from scoliosis, and gave me a great pregnancy and delivery minus the whole Colin's head/neck being totally smashed in the womb and when coming out. For Colin, it has given him significantly more movement in his neck, readjusted him to support crawling, and helped to reshape his head. Oh and one more thing, at Colin's last visit he had a cold and had coughed all night the night before. At the end of his appointment Dr. McCoy asked if he'd been coughing and said she could see the effects and did some things to help. No lie, Colin didn't cough all night that night or any night since even though he still had his cold! Have a sold you on chiropractic yet? :)