We had a great day today! We ended up not adding egg yolk at all today because it just didn't happen somehow and before dinner I decided we would just wait to add them tomorrow. This way we will all add the yolk in at the same time. I continue to pray that Genevieve will have little to no reaction. Watching her face swell before was not fun. I plan to give her about a dropper full only in her soup. The energy level was great in the house today and we are ready to continue on this journey. Colin had a little cheat today with an organic hot dog but I'm gonna let it slide because this is not easy!
Geneveive had a few minor flares with her face but overall it reacted pretty well to the foods she had today. I think it acts up when I put coconut oil on a veggie. Coconut oil is not high in histamine so I do not know what is causing it. (And technically you aren't even supposed to add in coconut oil to stage 1 but I am not looking for perfection here. I have to fill my kids up somehow!) One more tidbit about Genevieve today, she easily ate a gallon of soup by herself (absolutely no exaggeration) along with all her veggies and meats. She eats more than Tim and I on a daily basis and it has been no different the past few days. I just love her ferocious appetite but I'm also curious if she's possibly not assimilating the nutrients as well as she could (she always has tons of undigested foods in her bowels) and wondering if her appetite may possibly decrease a little once we are done with all of this.

Unfortunately, Colin's face began acting up more than ever today. It was actually his red cheeks that got me to look into food intolerances a year ago. We took Colin to several pediatricians about his cheeks and each said it was "just some eczema and to put some cream on it." Knowing me, you know that is not a solution I would accept! It's just in my nature my whole life to ask, "Why?" I ending up reading a lot about milk causing eczema on the cheeks and thus took Colin's beloved milk out of his diet. It did seem to decrease his rosy (sometimes rough) cheeks quite significantly and so I have not added milk back in his diet since. Unfortunately, it didn't do anything in the bowel department. (BTW: I hope we will be a full dairy family once we are done with this!! I love me some cheese and yogurt and so do my kiddos! No vegan here!!). A lot of practitioners and families who deal with eczema discuss it getting worse before it gets better when completing GAPS Intro. I hope this is what is going on and that it is all just part of it getting out of his system. We have been eating these types of foods for a while now but not so many healing foods at once without any "cheats."(well, ok there was that hot dog today...). I'm curious to see how Colin's face looks in the morning and wondering what the introduction of the egg yolk will do.
I just love my little babies and I have been so encouraged over the past week. Looking forward to another great day tomorrow. My sweet Colin asked for gummies and meatballs for his snack at school.