Monday, April 16, 2012

Colin is 9 Months Old!

Colin is becoming quite the charmer as evidenced by the photos below:

If you can imagine these photos were actually taken right before bedtime.  Mommy almost forget to capture Colin's 9 month shots and hurried outside to get a few.  Luckily, no matter what time of day you can almost always find Colin with a huge smile on his face.  Gone are the days of being serious, he is all laughter and smiles now.  I am constantly stopped and told what a happy baby I have.  I am one proud momma!

Colin measured in at 18 pounds 8 ounces and 28 inches at his nine month appointment.  This puts him at the same percentiles as his six month appointment, 25% for weight and 50% for height. The doc raved about how well he was doing and expects him to start crawling soon.  He's had a lot of coaxing from mom and dad but still not getting around too much. He kicks his legs around then goes no where and ends up frustrated.  He's usually content playing with a wrapper of some sort for a half hour anyways.

The big news this month - Colin got his first two teeth! He had a few rough days and nights but we got through it.  It was all worth it because seriously I'm not sure there is anything cuter than your sweet baby's itty bitty teeth.
Sleep became a major struggle again this month as Colin began waking in the night to not only eat but to be held for long periods of time.  After a good solid week of sleep training, we nipped that in the bud and were actually able to get him to stop eating at night and have much longer stretches of sleeping.  Unfortunately, in return, he began taking even longer to go down initially and was often screaming for over an hour before finally falling asleep.  We wish we could just rock him and help him get to sleep but then he'd just wake every 30 minutes, which isn't good for any of us.  I could go on and on about Colin's sleep but that's no fun because other than some sleeping woes he is truly the sweetest baby ever.

Who can resist this??

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