Through all of his time at Gymboree we came to discover that Colin loves clowns. We think it has something to do with fact that he has always found it silly when people do something different to themselves (i.e. wear curlers in their hair, put a pot on their head, etc). Clowns are just people dressed up funny - perfect for our silly man.
We celebrated Colin's birthday party a few weeks after his actual birthday so that Daddy could attend. Colin had been sick for a few days leading up to the party and was still under the weather for the big event. While Mommy, Aunt Jen, and the rest of the crew frantically set up, GeeGee came to the rescue giving Colin lots of cuddles. He was totally content in her arms for a good half hour (not normal for our little man). Aunt Jayne and Joergen enjoyed relaxing as well.
and kisses!
Before we kicked off the party, we talked with the Hantz's in France over the phone. It was Aunt Erin's birthday so we all sang "Happy Birthday" to her. Afterwards the Hantz family sang to Colin. We wish they could have been there in person but it was so good to hear from them!
Colin was finally ready to join the party. Kate's niece, Izzy, joined in the fun.
Our attempt at a family photo...
Then, it was time for an outfit change! Mommy found this adorable smocking at the consignment shop and just couldn't resist.
"Thanks Aunt Tess for sewing it so it would fit me!"
Starting off the party with Mimi...
and Great Aunt Grace
Aunt Jen was the official balloon artist and what a great job she did! I love how Liam is waiting so patiently with excitement in this picture
Mommy went a little crazy with the decorations and made homemade bunting by printing Colin's face from each month until he turned one. Of course the pictures were complete with a party hat and his special bowtie.... Joergen wasn't sure what to think about it all...
We had a beautiful (hot!) day and an excellent turn out.
We were so thankful that so many of our family and friends were able to attend.
Kevin even drove down for New York City to hang out with Colin on his big day.
He even brought his new dog, Charlie!
Uncle Thomas and family came up from Virginia...bringing along Thomas's girlfriend, Betsy, who deserves the credit for many of these photos!
Great Uncle Jimmy took of work for the celebration.
Now we all know everyone was really there to see the cake smash...Mommy made Colin a giant rainbow cupcake.
We decided not to light the candle so that we wouldn't have to worry about Colin grabbing the flame. Turns out it was probably a good idea! He loved looking around at the crowd as we all sang "Happy Birthday."
Colin wasn't too sure about digging in so mommy helped him get to the middle where there was a filling of icing and blueberries (his favorite!).
Daddy helped Colin with the first bite.
After that he went to town, even with Grandpa the clown looking on...
Oops! Forgot to put the birthday hat on. Now the picture is complete.
Colin's new favorite thing to do is feed Mimi. He took full advantage of having her help him finish his filling.
Colin never did eat any of the cake (I don't blame him it didn't taste very good...I think I undercooked it) however, although hard to tell, he did a number on the icing and got it all over himself.
After cake came PRESENTS! Colin got a ton of loot!
A few shots of our clown opening his presents:
Finally, it wouldn't be a clown party with some CLOWNS!
Daddy trying on the clown nose...
"I'll take that!" says Colin
The whole Derry clan (who came all the way from Philadelphia for the day) got in on the action...
Cousin Joergen |
Uncle Anthony |
Aunt Jen |
and, of course, Liam, who one-upped his family by adding a pair of sunglasses to the look. |
Katie & Tess ~ always good sports!

Aunt Jen dressed up with her favorite man.
Even Corey Liss had some fun with the clown attire!
Colin checking out Uncle Thomas, the cowboy clown.
Best part of all...the grandparents dressed up too!
Mimi & Pappy Take 1
Mimi and Pappy Take 2...with Colin!
Nana and Grandpa tried on two different clown get-ups during the party.
First one with Liam (how adorable is he?!)
and the second one with the birthday boy.
All the clowning around wouldn't be complete without Mommy and Daddy trying it out.
We attempted to get Colin to "clown around" but he wasn't having it. It's ok little guy, its your big day and you can do whatever you want to!
Mommy and Daddy love you with all our heart. You have such a kind, lovable spirit. Your giggle lights up a room. You bring us so much joy everyday. We will always cherish the memories we've made over the past year and hang on tight to them forever. xoxo
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