Thursday, April 25, 2013

Colin is 21 Months Old!

Colin showing off his movie star glasses from Mimi and Pappy.
Two years old is creeping in on us!  Can't believe how much our little man is growing up nor the fact that I have actually been blogging for almost two years without quitting.

As you will notice, its pretty difficult to get a photo of Colin these days.  I know I mentioned this when he was 18 months but now it truly is impossible.  As soon as we whip out the iphone or camera he immediately starts saying "I see! I see!" while frantically pointing to the camera and then bulldozing you until it's in his hands.  You'll see just a few of these moments throughout this post.

We've talked before about how Colin loves to write.  He's continued this passion and has oodles and oodles of doodles.

Notice on several of the papers COLIN is written.  Colin likes to pretend to write his name by drawing over it and he is also learning to spell it as well.

Mom: Colin, how do you spell your name?
Colin: silence
Mom: C
Colin: O!
Mom: L
Colin: I!
Mom: N - Colin!

What can I say the boy knows his vowels.  He has recently started getting the C in there too.

I tried to capture Colin drawing with his markers and I got this instead...
Again not much has changed...little man still likes to be outside and he still LOVES to play with "real" things.  Here he is running around with Daddy's screwdriver - an accident waiting to happen.
Tried to push my luck and get some other shots but they turned out like this instead:

I can't even count how many photos I have like this.
Speaking of real things Colin loves to "act like Mommy or Daddy or Mimi"...
He insisted on wearing gloves like Mommy...blurry because he also insisted on seeing the photo before it was even taken.
While Mimi visited she wore Mommy's vest a lot of the time so when Colin found it one day he quickly put it on and walked around the house saying "I'm Mimi!" You can see he is also playing with the kitchen bowls...he does not touch 99% of his toys.

If Colin isn't pretending to be a person he is pretending to be some sort of animal, usually a dinosaur.  This boy knows a lot about dinosours and will actually play with his dinosours for a good half hour in the bath (For Colin this is an eternity).  His favorite dinosaur?  The triceratops ("high-top") Uncle Connor gave him for Christmas.  Speaking of dinosaurs, Colin absolutely loves his dino hat that you'll see in the next series of photos.

Food is still a struggle but fortunately mommy is able to disguise spinach in egg bites and Colin will actually eat it...and then shove what he doesn't want down his shirt....
"I'll just go ahead and shove this food down my shirt."
"Wait, where'd it go?
"Oh no! Now I want it back!"  (drama over food stuck in his shirt ensued)
We typically do not make spaghetti noodles so it wasn't until recently that Colin got his hands on them...
Based on the cheering, we think he liked them.
We've had fun eating smoothies together too although it might be hard to tell from the pictures...
"I see! I see!"
"I see! I see! I see! I see!"
How to take photo of Colin without him insisting on the camera?  Turn on the TV.  This kid loves TV ("T!") I mean loves it (borderline obsession). 
I try to limit Colin to one show a day or none at all unless he's sick.  He usually has one show at a time that he sticks with. He's gone from Yo Gabba Gabba (when he first started watching TV) to Dora to Dinosaur Train to Sesame Street to now Curious George.  We never have TV on unless he's watching a show and we use Netflix so there are no commercials.  This makes me feel better about letting him watch it.  Sometimes I get all wrapped up in the advice that toddlers not watch any TV.  I've come to accept that it is something Colin enjoys more than most things and allowing him to watch one a day isn't going to hurt anyone!  To keep from having to listen to Colin beg for it all day we've started a rule that he may watch one show in the late afternoon while mommy is cooking/cleaning and then we turn it off and eat dinner.  I'm happy to say it's been working really well so far!
Since Colin much prefers to be out and about over being home we try to leave the house as often as possible.   We have lots of play dates with friends like this one with Jake at the Fire Museum.
Colin also gets out of the house three days a week at his "school" where he couldn't be happier.  Here he is at his Valentine's Day party...eating a cookie.  If there is anything Colin loves more than TV its probably cookies. 

Since having Genevieve, Colin has spent some extra time with Daddy...

Finally, Colin loves to sing and dance and is super cute when doing it.  I'd show you evidence of this if I had any without a hand in the lens....

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading about how Colin like real things and was carrying around a screwdriver. Gilbey spent at least a year of toddlerhood carrying at least 1 "doodai" at all times. I was always a bit concerned about it but he survived...
