Best part about our move so far has got to be how close we are to our families! We have gotten to spend a lot of time this Fall with the Derry clan. Not many days go by without hearing Colin's sweet voice ask, "Go see Liam and Joergen after tomorrow?" There have been a few times we mistakenly told Colin very early in the week that he would be seeing his cousins the following weekend...well to a two year old waiting five days to see his cousins is an eternity!
Liam and Joergen loved Mommy's mashed cauliflower! Wahoo |
We kicked off our time with Liam and Joergen this Fall over Labor Day weekend while Aunt Jen and Uncle Anthony (along with the help of Daddy and Grandpa) moved into their new house. Nana hung back with mommy and we had a great time with all of the kids.
Nana reading a special book about moving that Aunt Jen packed in the boys' bags. |
The boys decided they wanted to sit in Colin's little reading nook to finish the story. |
While Nana stayed back with Genevieve, Mommy took the boys to Johnson's Farm for a picnic, some water fun, wagon riding, peach picking, animal feeding, and loads of fun!
I didn't realize they had sprinklers so in order to enjoy the fun and not go home soaked all three boys stripped down to their underpants. Poor Liam had to throw on one of Colin's diapers to play - thankfully, he was a great sport and didn't seem to mind!
Tired out from all the sun.... |
and ready for a snack!
They even had an apple slushie for Liam!
We enjoyed Johnson's Farm so much we took the whole Derry crew a month later for apple and pumpkin picking!
How sweet are they? |
Liam is such a good big cousin! |
While waiting for the tractor Colin decided it'd be a good idea to roll around in the dirt. |
It doesn't get any better than those smiles! |
We spent some time at the Derry's new house too! We even had a fun sleepover with all of us. Colin got to sleep in his cousin's room and couldn't have been happier.
Colin is in love with his cousin's sun room and ALL their toys. His favorite thing to do is to take out as many as he can...
And we can't forget Lilly...she adores Liam and Joergen and they adore her too!
We are looking forward to making many more memories together over the next few years!