Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Basket Full of Fun

So I was about to work on putting together some wire cubbies (the black eyesore in the background) when I decided to seize the moment and really watch what Colin does when he is left to himself.  As I've said before, Colin's favorite place to be is on the changing table.  Turns out, the changing table is starting to become a challenge (and a safety hazard!) since Colin wants to sit up and reach at whatever he can get his hands on in the basket I keep on the dresser.  After I few days of this, I finally got the idea that I should give Colin the basket I keep his toys in and just let him have at it.  Usually, I only give him one or two toys so he doesn't get overwhelmed (that is what the books say to do after all :P).  

The following ensued.  (Note: I did not say one word nor touch anything during the shooting of these photos.)

"Yippee! A whole basket full of toys! I better tip it over so I can see what's inside..."
Basket Full of Fun

"Oh, Gee Gee bear, my favorite!"
"Let me just try to play with the basket instead."
"What's that? My Sophie teether? I'll take that!"
"I'll just throw Gee Gee bear to the side right now while I dig in deeper inside this basket."
"Mmm, this is tasty."
"Alright, I just need to dump this whole thing out."
"Yep, still tasty..."
"Now that I've dumped everything out, I won't need that silly basket anymore."
"I really do love my Sophie."
"I know I can get it if I try hard enough!"
"I'm thinking about trying out a different toy."
"Nah, I'll stick with this one, at least for a few more seconds."
"Oh, something new...."
"You see, it's very important for me to open my mouth even when the object is still about a foot away from my mouth."
"Ohhh, orange, fuzzy, and Lilly's toy! I want it!"
"Gah, can't get it, let me try this strange looking toy instead."
"Almost have it."
"Ah, right where I want it...."
"Maybe I can get this really big toy.....oh I really want it but I sure am getting tired!"
"I should just make a pile of all the toys in my lap so they can all be close to me."
"I really do like my Sophie best."
"Oh man! I'm getting overwhelmed...that's a lot of toys! And I still can't get that big one."
"One last chew..."
"Or two"
"And I'm done!"
"Wow I really made a mess!"
To think, minus Lilly's two toys, all of that started in one basket...

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