Our sweet baby boy is 7 months old! That means he is closer to being a 1 one year old than a newborn. That makes Mommy very sad but also excited for all the changes to come.
Colin spent the morning of his 7 month birthday doing a photo shoot by an extremely talented Air Force spouse, Carlin Fisher. She began the shoot by dressing Colin up as a little owl in his very own nest made by another very talented AF spouse, Ginny Foss. He absolutely loved it and was all smiles.
Unfortunately, it started going down hill after the he got out of the owl get-up. My sweet boy decided to show his serious side and pretty much refused to turn his frown upside down. We tried everything to get a smirk! Its ok though because he looks absolutely adorable even when he's not smiling. Thankfully, Carlin has incredible patience and did a great job with him during the remainder of the shoot and got some really great photos.
This has been a really fun month with Colin. We've gotten into a great groove both during the day and the night. He is consistently taking at least one and often two really good naps a day and is waking twice or, on a really good night, once to eat. Since he now takes a bottle we'll give him one in the middle of the night. This is great of two reasons, one it's a lot faster and two, even better, Daddy can give it to him on the weekends! Having some routine and consistency in our lives has been great for both of us. Colin is happier and able to play a lot more when he's awake now. Happy baby = happy mommy.
The introduction of a variety of foods this month has also made Colin more content. He is one hungry dude! He is eating three solid meals a day and sometimes a snack plus nursing 5 times (excluding his two night-time feedings!) Sometimes it feels like we can't get enough food in him. He loves everything we've given him except avocado. However, he did not like green beans at first and now scarfs them down so we think there is hope for avocado! He seems to have a little reaction to bananas and carrots so we give them sparingly. As soon has he gets in the high chair he is immediately ready to eat. He grunts and kicks his legs through his entire meal. When he stops kicking we know he's done.
Colin's biggest physical development this month has been sitting up all by himself.
"Look, I can even put my arms up!"
Colin has shown some interest in crawling but still doesn't care to roll over. Still his favorite thing to do is lay on his back and kick his legs while making lots of noises.
Lastly, still lots of teething and thus lots of droll.....
except still no teeth. Maybe next month?
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