Saturday, December 29, 2012

A Ho Ho Ho Christmas

After returning to Charleston, we had only a few days to get the house decked out for Christmas and ready for our visitors: Nana, Grandpa, & GG!

We decorated the mantle and tree while Colin was sleeping so when he woke up the next morning he was ecstatic.  The house is always so beautiful when decorated for Christmas.
Since Nana and Grandpa missed Thanksgiving this year due to the plague we decided to make it up to them by recreating Thanksgiving on the day they arrived.  While Mommy and Daddy frantically prepared, Colin did his part in helping to make the pumpkin cheesecake.
Make sure to check out the shirt!
Although a little chaotic at first, "Thanksgiving" went off without a glitch and we were so glad to have family back in our house!  

We enjoyed some yummy breakfasts Christmas week.  Our favorite was probably the festive pancakes.

Yum! Bacon!
After all the traveling, Lilly desperately needed a bath. It didn't happen before our guests arrived so they got to witness Lilly in all her wet dog goodness.
Grandpa is always such a good companion for Lilly...he especially loves when Mommy dresses Lilly up. Can't you tell?
We kicked off our week together by going on a carriage ride in downtown Charleston, an early Christmas present for Nana, Grandpa, and GG.
Our horse and guide.


We kept Colin "quiet" on the hour long ride by giving him an endless amount of snacks.  It worked pretty well but I think he was happier in his stroller.
From our carriage ride, Nana and Grandpa took Colin home and Daddy and I had a night out all to ourselves.  After nearly six months apart, it was desperately needed.  We used the evening as a celebration for Daddy's many accomplishments involved in graduating from the Weapons School. We dined at Peninsula Grill, rated one of the best restaurants in Charleston. They are known for their world famous coconut cake (at $10 a piece!).  It did not disappoint and was so big it took a few nights to finish. The restaurant brought us an additional appetizer and decorated the dessert plate in honor of Daddy.  Our beautiful hotel outdid themselves as well by leaving a congratulatory note, champagne, and chocolates for us to enjoy (only a few sips for Mommy!). 
It was such a wonderful evening and we were so thankful to have Nana, Grandpa, and GG to watch Colin.  As you can see the little man was happy and content spending time with them.
Of course, he was glad to have Mommy and Daddy back home too.
Colin had a present from Aunt Grace and Uncle Ron arrive on Christmas Eve and he carried it around the house until we finally let him open it.  Inside he found a box of duplex legos.  He was so glad to be able to open a present early and was quite intrigued.
We spent the rest of Christmas Eve baking and decorating Christmas Cookies.
Colin got his hands in on the action...

Although he was a lot more interested in eating the cookies ("guk guks") than decorating them.
Everyone else was hard at work decorating...


Taking a break to pose for a picture.  I love Colin happily eating his cookie in this shot.
 Nana was very meticulous in her cookie decorating...
All that attention to detail really paid off.  Check out these cookies!
Grandpa's white-tailed deer:
GG's poinsettias:
We took a break from our cookie eating and enjoyed a Christmas tree inspired appetizer.  I had way to much fun making this!
Mother and son on Christmas Eve:
Great-Grandmother and great-grandson...(oh and must we not forget: great grand-dog):
We continued our Christmas Eve tradition again this year with Colin getting to open one present before bed.
As you can see he's become quite the methodical gift opener.  He has to find where the opening is on the paper and carefully pull from there.  I'm not sure this is a trait most 17 month olds have...
What was inside? Pajamas, of course!  Here Colin is actually pretending to put them on.
All comfy, cozy in his Christmas pjs while cuddling with Dadda.
We were so anxious about Colin waking up the next day to his presents that we could hardly sleep.  He took very quickly to the idea of Santa and really seemed to understand that Santa was going to visit and bring him presents.  Leading up to Christmas, Colin excitedly shouted "Santa!" followed by "Ho Ho Ho!" whenever he saw a picture of the pudgy, white-bearded, old man.

On Christmas morning, Colin started calling out "Santa! Santa!" before we even left his room.  Once in the great room, he was in awe over all of the presents under the tree.  He found the biggest one to get started with and we quickly woke up Nana, Grandpa, and GG so they wouldn't miss anything. 
In true Colin fashion, he meticulously removed all of the wrapping paper before attempting to look inside.
I love how expressive our little man is.  Hard to tell in this pic but is mouth is wide open looking at all of the goodies inside.
Checking out the stickers and directions:
I'm not sure which Colin enjoyed the most: opening his own presents, giving others their presents, or opening other people's presents.  Here he is giving GG a gift from him and, of course, helping her unwrap it too.

A special manger scene made out Colin's footprint and fingerprints.
Mommy and Daddy were totally spoiled by Nana, Grandpa, and GG. 
Daddy loves his new sweater from Nana!
Colin was fortunate to have gifts to open from his cousins all the way in France.  Thanks for the great gifts Aunt Erin, Uncle Thomas, and kids!
We snapped this Christmas morning family portrait before quickly getting ready for church.
We decided to go to mass on base at 9AM so we had to take a break from our presents to head to church.  They were short alter servers so Daddy stepped in to do the job.  Colin loved watching Daddy "on stage" and gleefully shouted out "Dadda!" throughout the mass.  Afterwards, Colin looked onto the manger with Nana and Grandpa.

Back at home, we continued with our gift giving.  Here is Colin giving Daddy a present from him.
Colin received so many wonderful gifts this Christmas, his favorite probably being all of the books he got. 
Not long after finishing the presents it was time to eat again.  I made another special Christmas appetizer, although the "bow" could have used a little work.
We got a chance to wish the Owens side of the family a Merry Christmas and catch up with Mimi and Aunt Jen while Colin was taking his bath. 
He then decided to run around the house naked and sit on his new chair.  What a silly boy!
Earlier in the day, we also got to video chat with the Derry and Hantz families in France.  We were able to see all of them and they were able to see all of us.  Isn't technology wonderful?
After a yummy Christmas dinner, Colin went to sleep and GG assisted Grandpa in putting together Colin's new tool bench.  He was super excited when he saw it in the morning!
Speaking of the morning...Colin did his best to wake up Daddy the next day...
Although he wasn't budging much...
The next few days were spent relaxing and enjoying time together.  We got a babysitter one evening and had a lovely meal on Isle of Palms followed by Les Miserables in the theater.  Grandpa also helped to make some improvements in our kitchen.  Our faucet never turned correctly so he bought and installed a brand new one for us.  We wanted to put in a microwave over the stove which he also made happen.  We can not thank him enough!!  With the microwave over the oven it is as if we have a brand new kitchen.  We are totally in love with all our newly acquired counter space!
Colin really enjoyed all of the quiet time his grandparents.
He took Nana to his favorite park...
Rode around the house on GG's walker...
Snuggled with Nana...
and read books with GG and Grandpa...

We had such a wonderful Christmas and will always treasure the special moments we shared. We appreciate Nana, Grandpa, and especially GG for making the long trip to see us.  Colin spent days walking into the guest room shouting "GG" and searching the house for Nana and Grandpa after they had left. He can't wait to have visitors in the house again.

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