Saturday, December 8, 2012

Christmas in July

I really wanted Colin to experience Christmas with my side of the family this year.  Since Uncle Hunter was visiting we wanted to make sure we did it before he headed back to Germany.  Hunter, who had not really thought about gifts, was a little hesitant for what he called "Christmas in July" which is apparently what you call doing an early Christmas on December 8th.  
Aunt Jen, on the other hand, was ready to go, Christmas sweater and all.
Colin couldn't wait to start open his presents!
Someone's excited!

Mommy and Aunt Jen were happy to have the whole family back together again!
Mimi made an awesome spread of appetizers and we got started on the gifts. 
One of Colin's favorite gifts was probably the stuffed t-rex he got from Uncle Connor. ROARRR!

Mimi and Pappy gave Mommy a sweetgrass basket from Charleston!! Wahoo!
Uncle Hunter got a Kindle.
Pappy was happy to have the family together and to open his present.
We got to continued the celebration the next day on Pappy's birthday.  He's not use to having Christmas BEFORE his birthday but I think he enjoyed two days of presents.

It was so great to be able to have the all of us back together after several years.  We made memories we will cherish forever.

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