Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Colin's 4 Months Old!

Its crazy how much a baby can intellectually grow in one month! Colin is full of smiles these days and even started to giggle towards the end of the month.  It is the most precious thing in the whole world.  I tried to catch it on video but he always stops when I whip out the camera.  He recognizes his mommy and occasionally will look at me and pout/frown when someone else is holding him.  I love wrapping him up in my arms to make him feel secure.

Colin continues to grow physically as well...one would hope so with all the eating he does!  He still likes to eat all the time and will not to take a bottle.  Sleep is a struggle (especially for naps) but we are hopeful that once he starts solids that will get better.  At his four month appointment, Colin came in at 50% for weight (14 lbs 13 oz), 50% for height (24 3/4in), and 50% for his head circumference (42cm).  He's pretty average just like his mom and dad.

One of his new favorite things to do is to pull up on his pants.  He likes to check out his feet and thoroughly enjoys kicking them up and down.  I think he may even "talk" to his feet sometimes.
 Remember those smiles I mentioned:
He is becoming quite the flirt:
Check out those chunky knees:
Colin's new best friends have become his hands.  He loves them!  I think he talks to them too.  He's still working on figuring out which digit he likes the best for sucking and most of the time the whole fist will end up in his mouth.  Occasionally both fists end up in there and he chokes himself.  Silly Colin...
 With teething and his hands in his mouth all the time comes...

Colin has become quite the drool meister!

Finally, Colin loves to look at the mirror.  Sometimes he checks himself out but most of the time he is smiling and looking at me through the mirror.  It is so much fun and brings lots of joy to my heart!

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