Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Aunt Jen D Visits!

Since we are moving in just a few months, Aunt Jen wanted to take the opportunity to visit us at our house and spend some alone time with our family.  Uncle Anthony graciously offered to watch cousins Liam and Joergen and Aunt Jen got to spend a long weekend with us.  Although my due date wasn't until after Aunt Jen was leaving we were pretty certain I'd have the baby early or at least during her visit.  Turns out this baby had a different plan and with just two hours left to go on my due date, he or she has yet to make an appearance.  We still made the best of our time together enjoying some nice, relaxing walks (despite the cold weather) and a few meals out on the town.

One morning we had breakfast at Toast in downtown Charleston where Colin had a ball with Aunt Jen and Daddy.

Colin's favorite thing to do these days - "Cheers!"
Aunt Jen teaching Colin the "one-time around toast." He loved it!

Such a sweet moment!

Ever since reading The Cat in the Hat, Colin has been totally into shaking hands.  He was pretty impressed by himself with this double hand shake.
We enjoyed lunch at Poe's on Sullivan's Island and dinner at Graze in Mt. P.  I was able to capture this shot of brother and sister while we were dining out.

The night before Aunt Jen arrived Colin came down with a fever that he struggled with throughout the weekend.  He was pretty miserable but he loved all of the cuddle time he got with Aunt Jen.  Thanks Aunt Jen for taking such good care of our little man and even getting him to fall asleep in the stroller (a feat that hadn't been accomplished in at least six months!)

We were so thankful for all the precious moments shared over the days Aunt Jen visited.  We also can not thank her enough for all of the food and meals she left us for after the baby arrives.  They are so greatly appreciated!  We are sad Aunt Jen could not meet the new little one but we're super excited that we will all get to spend lots more time together over the next few years once we are living only an hour away.

Meanwhile, in other news, Mimi is still hanging out at the house waiting on her second grandchild to arrive.  Its been over three weeks now of waiting......  She is keeping herself busy working remotely each day and spending lots of time with Colin.

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