Friday, March 1, 2013

Daddy's 30th Birthday

Daddy's 30th birthday fell on a Friday so we had an entire weekend to celebrate with him!  However, when Mommy began having some pretty intense contractions Friday afternoon it seemed the baby had other plans and might just share the same birthday as Daddy.  We thought how cool it would be for Colin to share Mommy's birthday and this child to share Daddy's birthday.  Although the contractions were strong and somewhat consistent we decided to go out for dinner anyways.  We had free babysitting with Mimi in town so we figured we better take advantage.  We had a fabulous meal at the Old Village Post House in the historic section of Mt. Pleasant contractions and all.  I continued to have contractions on the way home but as soon as we got home and I laid down they drifted away.

The following day, Aunt Jen D flew into town to not only celebrate Daddy's birthday but to celebrate the baby's hopeful birthday as well.  Yet again, I began having consistent contractions that lasted a few hours but then fizzled out.  We were sad that we had to wait to meet our little bundle of joy but thankful that it gave us even more time to celebrate Daddy.  Mommy made a special chocolate covered pretzel cheesecake.
 Its hard to believe Daddy is now 30 and I'm right behind him.  When did we become so old?
 Wishes for a happy and healthy baby, perhaps?
 Aunt Jen made sure to snap this shot of us....our final photo as a family of three...

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